Graphic designer's portfolio and online shop
Dragi Krmoljupci, vaššse krme se vratilo. Ovaj put na srpsko-hrvatskom jer.. Mislim da imam vise publike, a i koga briga za one koji me ne razumiju.
Krme se vratilo na male ekrane - laptopa naravno, ko jos uopste gleda televiziju?!šššššššš I da - jedino ovaj laptop neće da mi ŠŠSH otkuca, a đčćž hoće. Tako da ne zamjerite sto pisem S... Nije do krmeta, znate da ono voli vise svoj jezik nego hljeba se najesti. 

Dakle, Krme je izbacilo nove majice na market. U posljednje vrijeme narod je počeo da se pali i žari i Zlo Krme kao šsto mu i samo ime govori, moralo je to da iskoristi. Počelo je da istražuje i strano tržiste, da se koprca i gdje mu nije mjesto. I za sad mu dobro ide.

U Krmetovoj novoj ponudi možete naći personalizirane majice, posto je Krmetu Illustrator postao najbolji prijatelj u međuvremenu. Photoshop je postao samo pomoćna alatka :)

Krme se vratilo u Banjaluku na 6 mjeseci. Djeluje jako dugo u njegovim krmećim okicama, pa na sve načine pronalazi zabavu u ovoj metropoli. Uskoro će početi i da plete, kako je krenulo :D

Ukoliko vas zanima ponešsto, želite da pošpričate s Krmetom i predložite mu nešsto, kontaktirajte ga preko fejsbuk stranice ili na mail zlo.krme at

Vase Krme.

Today I was exploring art via internet to get the ideas for my new photo project. And then... I discovered this artist that impressed me! 2 or 3 years ago I had an idea to paint on shoes. Yeah, I already paint on shoes, but I had the other type of idea :) I wanted to put 100 pairs of shoes on the wall and then paint. It would be an enormous painting and also so non precise - but because of that it would be great. But I didn't do it, I don't know why. I was considering the idea with my ex room mate, also a painter and we attributed that "silly" idea to our tiredness and maybe non-sleeping for a week because the exams so I didn't realize it. And then... I discovered this fenomenal artist today. He paints on the books. Yeah, you read well - not the books, on the books! 

This Californian artist uses ink, acrylic paint and colored pencils to show his creativity. He paints not only on the vintage paper, but on the books directly! His installation paintings (I really don't know how to call them, I'm amused!) can be big almost as a room where are exposed.

His illustration and a little bit Tim Burton style impressed me. And the use of unconventional technique as well! He combines illustration with the books - it goes really great together. Of course I can define it as an idea how 2 arts can go perfectly together. I love books (without the book I think I couldn't live!) and I say very often: "The people who doesn't read aren't people". And it's true.
So this genial artist combined 2 things that I looove ❤ ❤ ❤ and made the coolest thing that I've seen in a while...
I love this horror-Tim Burtonish style of his works. I connect this style with a haunting house with a great library that have some secret hallway behind :) And I think that he wanted to arouse such a feeling. Ok, I said enough times that I love his art. 
I go back to work now.❦